Yesterday people all over the country were going to schools and public buildings from 6am to 6pm to vote. The two main parties here are the Purple party or PLD (Dominican Liberation Party)
and the white party or PRL (Dominican Revolutionary Party).
Most people are very dedicated to one or the other political party, not because they share the same beliefs or think their candidate is the better man for the job. But because they’re more likely to get a government job or financial help if their political party is in power.
Today, the day after the elections, there’s a lot of noise in the streets as people celebrate whenever their political party is announced to be in the lead.
However, all the celebrating is a bit premature as the votes from each community are still being counted. Hopefully by the end of the day we’ll find out who actually won.
The final results:
About four days after the elections some officials finally announced that the Governor for the purple party (the one responsible for paving roads in the barrio) had won by more than 1000 votes. I think they new the final results sooner, but due to fear that riots and fights would break out they decided to wait. The purple party won in almost every province in the country (governor, mayor, etc.) and now holds 31 of the 32 senate seats.
I could pry google this - but who won? And what happened with the streets?
Joe, I didn't think anyone was actually reading this or cared. I just updated the blog.... the purple party won basically everything. Oh, and supposedly when the new govenor takes office on August 16th he'll finish the roads here. If not we'll have to wait 6 years until the next election.
1000 votes?! That seems close enough to require a recount. Incidentally, which party was it that paved the barrio streets?
P.S. I read this and care! I love seeing familiar faces of barrio friends and acquaintances in your photos. Love your blog - thanks for taking the time to write it!
thanks for the comments guys..... the purple party is the one that was working on the roads here in the barrio.... and they have promised to finish them. I'm not exactly sure how it all works, but the white party paved some roads in other communities. Basically, where ever a political party paved roads they won the majority of votes in that community...... I guess the purple party paved a few more roads than the white party. :)
Lol. Maybe you should riot if you don't get your paved roads in august.
And of course people care enough to read your blog? Who did you think you were writing to anyways?
I'm sure there will be a riot at some point if the new govenor doesn't finish the roads.
And yes, I did think some people were reading my blog and care about stuff.... I just didn't think they cared about the elections. But it makes me happy that you do. :)
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