
Needs in Haiti

As you all have heard the capital in Haiti was devastated by a earthquake on January 12th 2010. On this side of the island we felt the quake but never imagined so many people had died and buildings destroyed on the other side of the border. Though I’m on the same island the effects of the earthquake still seem very far removed from me. Yet little by little it seems as though more and more refugees are crossing the border, and more and more of the local churches I’m in relationship with are trying to get more involved in the long term problems Haitians are facing. 

I just wanted to write this short blog to encourage you not to forget about your brothers and sisters in Haiti. They will continue to need your prayers and your help for a long period of time, possibly ten years.

(Here’s a few articles I found helpful).
Special Giving to Haiti: Not All Relief is Created Equal http://www.disciplemagazine.com/www/articles/105.67

Haïti: blessed or cursed?